Movember Mustaches and Mental Health
How We Can Support the Men in Our Lives
More Than Just a Mustache
Have you already started to spot more ‘interesting’ facial hair out this month? Maybe your partner, brother, or friend suddenly looks like they walked out of a retro movie—or tried to.
Yep, it’s that time again: Movember! The month where men embrace the ‘stache with pride, all for a cause that’s much bigger than experimenting with facial hair.
Before you tease them about the new fuzz, let’s give it some love. Movember isn’t just about quirky facial hair; it’s about putting the spotlight on men’s mental and physical health—seriously important stuff, all dressed up with a dash of humor.
I am particularly passionate advocating for the struggles men are facing with their mental health, so I wanted to give you insights into the Movember movement and why, even tho I’m not really a mustache lovin’ kinda girl, I’ll happily support this annual event.
What Movember is All About
Movember started in 2003 as a friendly bet between a few friends in Australia (of course… leave it to the Aussies’s!) to bring back the mustache, and it quickly grew into a global movement for men’s health. Now, men literally all over the world grow mustaches to raise awareness and funds for issues like mental health, suicide prevention, as well as prostate and testicular cancer.
That stylish (or not lol) mustache is more than just a trendy statement—it’s a mark of commitment to something truly meaningful.
So, when you see a new (or “creative”) ‘stache this month, remember that it’s not just about experimenting with facial hair. Every “mo” on display is sparking conversations, giving us a reminder, and helping men feel more comfortable discussing their mental and physical health. We can support them by showing our support for both the stache and the purpose of the movement.
Why Men’s Mental Health Matters to Everyone
Let’s be real for a minute: men’s mental health is one of those things that affects everyone, not just men. We all have a brother, father, partner, son, or friend that we cannot imagine life without. Here’s why we should all care and get involved:
The Hard Truth: Suicide is the leading cause of preventable death for men under 50. Men are 3-4 times more likely to die by suicide than women, and about 1 in 8 men experiences depression or anxiety—but far fewer seek help. The stigma around men’s mental health makes it tough to reach out, and Movember aims to break that silence.
Better Health for Better Relationships: When men take care of their mental health, it doesn’t just benefit them—it strengthens their relationships, families, and friendships, too. Everyone wins when the men in our lives feel empowered to take care of their well-being, and talk about what they’re experiencing. Men feel more present, connected, and open.
Stronger Communities, Stronger Connections: When men are supported in caring for their mental health, it creates healthier communities overall. Men who feel empowered to address their mental health are more likely to contribute positively to their families, workplaces, and social circles. This ripple effect strengthens the bonds within communities, promoting an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.
How We Can Support the Men in Our Lives
You might be thinking ‘Cool, so we’ll just let the guys take the lead on this’. Yes, they are generally the ones growing the mustaches, but we can all be empowering men in this quest! Here are a few ideas for you to contribute support (outside of the obvious of financially supporting the cause):
Encourage Open Dialogue Without the Pressure to “Fix”- Let’s create a judgment-free zone where the men in our lives feel safe to open up. Instead of diving in with solutions or “fix-it” advice, try just being there, listening, and validating what they’re going through. Think open ended questions about health topics they might not usually broach. It’s probably a little different from your usual chats, but sometimes all they need is a sounding board, not a toolbox.
Cheer on the Mustache! Sure, the mustache might look a little… unique. But it’s all in good fun and for a great cause. Instead of poking fun, let’s celebrate it! Snap some pics, maybe join in a Movember fundraising team, or even post together on social media to spread the word. Every time you hype that stache, you’re giving a little more visibility to the movement, and that’s something worth cheering for.
Make Mental Health Part of Everyday Life Mental health is a lot easier to nurture when it’s woven into everyday activities. Encourage simple, feel-good practices like morning walks, meditation, or even mini self-care routines together. And if they’re not quite ready for journaling or yoga, try framing it as just a new habit to try out together—no pressure, just positive vibes. And actively check on your friends even when you can’t physically be with them.
Celebrating Progress, Not Perfection
Supporting mental health isn’t about giant leaps; it’s about those small, steady moves that add up over time. Whether it’s growing a mustache to spark a conversation, opening up about a tough day, or even joining a wellness class just to try something new—each step in the right direction deserves a little celebration! Progress is personal, and every little change is like adding fuel to a fire that keeps us moving forward. When we keep cheering on these moments, we’re helping to create a wave of positive change that sticks around for everyone.
Conclusion: A Mustache for a Movement
At the end of the day, Movember isn’t just about the look; it’s about making a difference that lasts. A little stache can spark big conversations and even bigger changes. So this Movember, let’s stand behind the mustaches in our lives, share the laughs, and support men’s mental health. After all, that’s what the movement—and the mustache—is all about!